Master’s Thesis

You’re in your fourth semester or beyond, and the finish line of your studies is in sight. You may need a confirmation on your study progress for your visa extension, or you’re all set for your Master’s thesis. In both cases, you can find the link to those documents right here below.

Master’s Thesis Registration

Step 1: Meet the requirements

  • complete your additional requirements, if you received one or more as a condition with your admission
  • complete the “Scientific Integrity Module” (Modulbaustein Wissenschaftliche Integrität)
  • complete the minimum amount of credit points as per your Examination Regulations

Step 2: Find a topic and a supervisor

  • Contact professors, lecturers or teaching assitants directly, if you have an idea for a topic.
  • Some professors/lecturers or institutes offer topics and ideas on their websites.
  • Check out the RWTH Aachen Database
  • Check out our very own Career Platform for Master’s thesis positions

Step 3: Get the Master’s Thesis Registration Sheet

  • If you write your Master’s thesis with Faculty 4: you can download the registration sheet below (or contact Lisa Wickel)
  • If you write your Master’s thesis with Faculty 8: contact Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office (Zentrales Prüfungsamt)

Step 4: Fill in the Master’s Thesis Registration Sheet

  • Fill in the Master’s Thesis Registration Sheet with your supervisor and collect a series of signatures. The last signature will be from your supervising professor. The box says “Beginn der Bearbeitungszeit”. This date will be the official start of your preparation time!
  • Submit the registration sheet to Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office

NOTE: Be sure to mark the day you need to submit your Master’s thesis! You can find this date in RWTHonline after you registsered your thesis. Handing in late will result in a 5.0

Master’s Thesis Submission

Submission Deadline

After you registered your Master Thesis, you will be able to see the submission deadline in RWTHonline. Be sure to keep this deadline! If you hand in your master’s thesis late, you will receive a 5.0 (failed attempt).

Submit your Master’s Thesis to Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office by post, or by using the post box (Fristenbriefkasten) which you can find at the SuperC.

Mandatory Attachments

Don’t forget to add the mandatory attachments to your Master Thesis:

1) Declaration in lieu of an oath “Eidesstattliche Versicherung”

2) Declaration of the use of the RWTH Logo (Logo use is voluntary

You can find the form on the following website: „Tips About Papers and Written Projects”:…


The colloquium (defense) is part of your Master’s examination and will count towards your grade for your Master’s Thesis. The colloquium usually takes place within 4 weeks after you submitted your Master’s thesis.

The examiners will have 6 weeks to grade your Master’s thesis and colloquium. You will be able to view your grade in RWTHonline.

Please note that you need to be enrolled in order to be able to submit your Master’s thesis and on the day you hold your colloquium. You do not need to be enrolled to receive your grade afterwards.

CP surplus upon graduation

If you have too many CP at graduation (e.g.: 125), then the ZPA takes the most recent achievement of 5 CP out of the overall evaluation and makes it an additional module.

If you have several modules with this CP number, you can contact the ZPA within 2 weeks after the graduation date (receipt of the final grade) and “decide” yourselves which of the modules should be taken out.

Degree Certificates

The Central Examination Office will issue your degree certificates and send them to you by post. They will use the address you state in RWTHonline. Please make sure to keep this address up-to-date!

If you need your degree certificate earlier, you can request a preliminarey degree certificate by sending an email to Lisa Wickel from the Central Examiation Office.

Congratulations on completing your studies!

Consultation Appointment

Don’t forget to regularly check in with us about your study progress. You can book an individual online or in-person appointment with your Student Success Manager.

Book your consultation appointment with us