1. Courses and Schedule

It is generally possible to take courses that are not part of your curriculum, however, this depends on the course and on your study progress.

  • Additional courses are extra-curricular courses that will not count towards your grade or credit points.
  • Exchange courses are courses that can be officially integrate into your curriculum by means of an administrative procedure involving an official application to the Examination Board of Faculty 4.

If you wish to take an additional or exchange course, please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers to evaluate your study status and course request (before 15 November for courses in the winter semester or 15 May for courses in the summer semeter latest). They will advise you on whether the additional course or exchange course is sensible in your case and – if so – they will explain the registration process.

When making the appointment, please always state the name of the course and the reasons why you wish to take it.

It is generally possible to take courses that are not part of your curriculum, however, this depends on the course and on your study progress.

  • Additional courses are extra-curricular courses that will not count towards your grade or credit points.
  • Exchange courses are courses that can be officially integrate into your curriculum by means of an administrative procedure involving an official application to the Examination Board of Faculty 4.

If you wish to take an additional or exchange course, please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers to evaluate your study status and course request (before 15 November for courses in the winter semester or 15 May for courses in the summer semeter latest). They will advise you on whether the additional course or exchange course is sensible in your case and – if so – they will explain the registration process.

When making the appointment, please always state the name of the course and the reasons why you wish to take it.

  1. The two clashing courses are compulsory courses.
    Please send an email to masters@academy.rwth-aachen.de stating both course names and your program. The semester planning team will look into it.
  2. The two clashing courses are elective courses.
    Please notice that a lot of the elective courses are integrated into a lot of different programs and thus involve a huge number of students and staff. Therefore, clashes of elective courses cannot always be avoided. Please prioritize according to your interest and workload. You can also take a course in another semester.
  3. The two clashing courses are a compulsory and an elective course.
    Please notice that a lot of the elective courses are integrated into a lot of different programs and thus involve a huge number of students and staff. Therefore, clashes with elective courses cannot always be avoided. Please prioritize the compulsory course.
    Your Content Goes Here

If you are missing only one day, please contact the lecturer and ask them if it is okay for you and self-study the missed course content.

If the whole week is clashing, please sort your priorities. Block courses are usually held annually, and you might be able to take it the next time round.

If it is a compulsory course, please see 1.3.3.

One language course certificate can only be credited for one course in your curriculum. Please take half-level courses.

Please send the course certificate to Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office (ZPA). She will add it to your transcript.

Once you register for the course, you will reach the payment step and should have the option to pay with a voucher. If the voucher is missing from your account, please contact the info@sz.rwth-aachen.de.

If you have completed more CP than are required by your curriculum in one of your elective area, you need to declare the surplus as additional course. Please contact Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office to inform her which courses you would like to count towards your grade and which ones you wish to be additional.

If you do not inform the Central Examination Office until 2 weeks after your graduation date, the Central Examination Office will declare any elective worth the exceeding credit points additional without consulting you.

2. Administration

Please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers.

Please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers.

Please pay the semester contribution fee to the University. You will be automatically re-enrolled as soon as the University received your payment. For the payment deadlines in detail, please refer to the following website: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/Im-Studium/~egw/Rueckmeldung/lidx/1/

By registering for and sitting the exam in a track-specific course.

Yes, but only once. Please contact the Central Examination Office (ZPA).

The Mini Thesis / Research Project / Project Work does not have a formal registration process ahead of the preparation time, unless you want to absolve an external Mini-Thesis / Research Project / Project Work.

However, you have to fill out a documentation sheet with your supervisor. For the engineering programs, you can find the documentation sheet here: https://www.maschinenbau.rwth-aachen.de/cms/Maschinenbau/Studium/Downloads/Im-Studium/Master/~firg/Antraege/?lidx=1

CAME: yes

RoboSys: yes

Textile: yes

European Studies: no

The supervisor will evaluate your project and send the documentation sheet with their evaluation to the Central Examination Office (ZPA).

Please view your program specific guidelines.

Please view your program specific guidelines.

CAME / NPE/SPE: Please send your internship report and certificate to the Internship Office (Praktikantenamt).

RoboSys: Please send your internship report and certificate to your Academic Advisor.

Textile: Please send your internship report and certificate to the Examination Board.

European Studies: Please send your internship report and certificate to your Student Success Managers.

The internship will not be graded. It will be added as “passed” or “not passed” in your transcript of records. You may consider the internship certificate/work certificate, which you receive from your internship company as your grade.

It is not possible to waive your internship with prior work experience.

You are allowed to absolve an internship abroad. However, please be aware that other countries have different regulations when it comes to internships. Please also note that you will need to arrange the paperwork and agreement with the company and the Immigration Office (Ausländeramt).

It is not possible to extend the duration of the compulsory internship. Time exceeding the duration of the compulsory internship as stated by your Examination Regulations is considered a voluntary internship.

Engineering programs: Please contact the Internship Office of Faculty 4.

European Studies: Please contact Prof. Rotte.

Yes, you can, but please note that you will need to organize all documents yourself. We will not be able to provide any form of confirmation about a voluntary internship. We would also like to emphasize that we strongly advise you to prioritize your studies.

Since a voluntary internship is not part of your curriculum, we cannot issue any confirmation or document about voluntary internships.

Please log into your user account of the German language center and visit the page “your course results and course certificates.” Click on “download certificate” under the required course. The certificate includes a verification code and is valid without a stamp or signature.

To have the course added to your transcript of records or receive ECTS, please send the PDF to your coordinator at the central examination office (ZPA). They will contact the German language center, if they need additional information.

Please note, that the stated date on the certificate is the date of the examination performance, which will accordingly be registered to your transcript of records. Language Certificates, which will be submitted to the central examination office (ZPA) later will be registered backdated!

Students who do not show up to their appointment/ registered event without cancellation will receive one no-show in their student file. Students who have accumulated 3 no-shows will be banned from registering for extracurricular or other events organized by RWTH International Academy, yet not from consultation appointments.

3. Examinations

Yes. Generally, if you are registered for a course, you are NOT automatically registered for the matching examination. If you want to take an examination for a course, please make sure to register for it within the given deadline.

Exception: There may be a few courses, that are marked as courses with “Immanenter Prüfungscharakter”. In those courses, the course itself is part of your examination and you are therefore registered for its examination by registering for the course. If there are any doubts, please contact the respective lecturer.

It is unfortunately not possible to register for an examination, after the registration deadline has passed. Please be sure to mark any deadlines in your calendar!

If you forgot to register and need advice on how to re-plan your study progress, please make an appointment with our Student Success Managers. Please note, however, that we will not be able to manually register you after any deadline.

If you are not registered for an exam, you will not be allowed to take the exam.

Should you, for whatever reason, still be able to take the exam, your result will not be entered in RWTHonline and therefore not count towards your overall grade. You therefore will need to take the exam again.

Please be sure to mark any deadlines in your calendar!

If you forgot to register and need advice on how to re-plan your study progress, please make an appointment with our Student Success Managers. Please note, however, that we will not be able to manually register you after any deadline.

You can de-register from an examination without harm up until 3 working days before the exam. There may be different dates for some courses. Please pay attention to the dates stated in RWTHonline.

If you are sick within three working days of an examination, and therefore unable to de-register, you will need to get a medical certificate from a doctor and hand it in to the Central Examination Office (ZPA) immediately. Please follow the RWTH Aachen University guidelines in this case. Please view: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/Im-Studium/Pruefungsangelegenheiten/Pruefungen/~whebt/Krankheitsbedingter-Ruecktritt-und-Attes/?lidx=1

If you are registered for an examination, but do not show up to sit the exam, you will receive a 5.0 (failed) for the examination.

Your work will be graded with a 5.0 (failed). To re-do your paper/project/Master Thesis, you will have to start from the beginning with a whole new topic.

For a written examination or paper/project work, you have 3 attempts. For your Master thesis, you have 2 attempts.

4. Master Thesis

Please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers.

Please view your study program specific guidelines.

In justified exceptional cases, the time frame can be extended by a maximum of up to six weeks. Please file an application with the Examination Board.

5. End of Studies

If you have completed more CP than are required by your curriculum, and have an elective course in the scope of the surplus, you need to declare the surplus as additional course. Please contact Lisa Wickel from the Central Examination Office to inform her which courses you would like to count towards your grade and which ones you wish to be additional.

If you do not inform the Central Examination Office until 2 weeks after your graduation date, the Central Examination Office will declare any elective worth the exceeding credit points additional without consulting you.

Please view the university’s website for mor einformation on RWTH Aachen’s Graduation Ceremony: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/Nach-dem-Studium/~emes/Graduiertenfest/?lidx=1

In justified exceptional cases, the time frame can be extended by a maximum of up to six weeks. Please file an application with the Examination Board.

6. Financial Issues

Please make an appointment with your Student Success Managers.

If you have not received the result of your last exam yet and therefore you do not know if you passed, you should still pay the social contribution fee in order to stay enrolled. There is always a chance that you did not pass. Once you have received the positive result of your exam, you can submit your academic transcript to the Registrar’s Office (Studierendensekretariat) and ask for the possibility of a refund.

7. Academic Advisor

Please refer to the section Academic Advisor in your Learning Space.

8. Visa

Please contact the Immigration Office (Ausländeramt) at the Super C.

If you are in your 8th semester, please fill out the Study Progress Assessment  form and contact your academic advisor.

We unfortunately do not have any influence on Official Offices. Please remain patient. They are usually very busy at the beginning for the winter semester. Should your Visa expire shortly or before you have an appointment, please contact them directly by phone or email.

Please contact the Immigration Office (Ausländeramt) or check their website.